Rabbi Michael Davies
Cantor Isaac Horowitz
Rabbi Bernard Rothman (Rabbi Emeritus)
Co Presidents: Heshy Chaitoff and Chani Wiesman
Congregation Sons of Israel (CSOI) remains a warm, welcoming, and inspiring environment for Jews of all ages and backgrounds. Founded in 1894, CSOI provides youth programming, teen programming, a Young Families Group, Sisterood, Seniors of Sons, Bikur Cholim, and Mikvah Ohel Leah. Many of our members are part of the Chevra Kadisha, the Vaad Hakashrut, and the Cherry Hill Political Action Committee.
Educational opportunities are available at every level both on weekdays and throughout Shabbat. There are also social programs and holiday celebrations throughout the year, as well as Experience Cherry Hill Shabbatons. On Shabbat, CSOI offers a main Shabbat minyan at 8:45 am, a Hashkama minyan at 7:30 am, and a Sephardic minyan at 9:00 am. Weekday morning minyan is held at 7:00 am (Mondays and Thursdays at 6:45 am). A second weekday morning minyan is held at 8:00 am. Morning minyan on Sundays is held at 7:00 am and 8:00 am. Afternoon and evening services begin 15 minutes before sunset. From May until September, there is also a 7:00 pm minyan on Friday evenings.
The campus at Congregation Sons of Israel includes two Mikvahs, an indoor Kelim Mikah, Sanctuary, and recently renovated Social Hall with complete banquet facilities and new bridal room. Facilities are available for weddings, B’nai Mitzvot, and other private simchas. Kashrut is observed. Also located on the CSOI campus is the Politz Day School of Cherry Hill, a Modern Orthodox day school serving children from pre-school through eighth grade.
Cherry Hill NJ 08002
United States